November Weird Circular #2

The Weird Circular: November

October's Weird Circular is live with submission ideas, prompts, and more!

Welcome to the Weird Circular

Dear Fellow Writers of the Weird:

I hope you are enjoying this weird weather we're having. Who knew it could rain cats and dogs at the same time? And also, what is with those flying monkeys? I've lined up some great stories to read by the fire and some NaNoWriMo inspiration, as I'm sure I've got a few crazies in the group who will be committing themselves to the word sword this month. Let's get wordy. 


November Submission Calls

Abyss & Apex, Poetry open submissions period: Deadline Nov. 30th: Abyss & Apex likes to see strong, emotionally resonant, literary-quality poetry with a clear speculative element (fantasy, science fiction, or surrealism in any combination. Although dark poems are encouraged, we DO NOT publish horror. There are no format or length restrictions for poetry, though we prefer lineated free verse or traditional form poetry with at least 9 lines, or prose poems at least 50 words in length, we will publish brilliant shorter work. 

Apex Magazine Flash Fiction Contest: Deadline Nov. 30th: Theme: Valentine's Day. 250 words or less, multiple submissions allowed. Your story does not have to directly involve Valentine’s Day, but it should imbue the spirit of the holiday in a twisted Apex fashion. Love lost, love won, the holiday itself, Cupid, romance gone horribly, horribly wrong, pining for a mate … the theme for this year’s contest is wide open so have fun with it! Just make sure you give us story that screams love Apex-style in no more than 250 words.

Other Upcoming Submission Windows: 

Need more submission ideas? Check the

newest markets, Duotrope's

, Literary Mama's

, or Aerogramme's

. But don't forget to submit!


Prompt #1 (NaNoWriMo): The Write Stuff. Head over to Chuck Wendig's blog this month for some NaNoWriMo inspiration, then think about your goals for the month. What's the "right" way for you to write? Do you enjoy writing alone, or with friends? How can you get those words in this month? Make a plan for the month and your NaNoWriMo project. Write it down. Tape it above your desk, keep it saved on your desktop, or put it somewhere you'll look at throughout the month. Even if you don't stick to your plan, it will be a nice reminder. Bonus Round: Write a 500-1000 word summary of your NaNoWriMo project. This could be a novel summary or a short story collection summary, whatever. Think about what the themes and elements of the work are and how you plan to achieve them. Describe your plot, however tiny the idea is, as if you were telling a friend about it. 

Prompt #2: Try a new writing style. Do you normally write poetry? Try to write a flash fiction piece of 500 words or less. Do you usually write short stories? Try to flesh out a story that keeps getting "I want more" comments in workshop, see if you can make it a novella. Bonus Round: Try writing in a genre you've never explored. Write a science fiction story, or if you normally write SFF, write a literary fiction story. For inspiration, pick up a few journals in a genre you've never read. 

Prompt #3 (Thanksgiving Style):

Write down a list of the crazy weird things that happen during holidays. Make note of that weird thing your uncle does every year. Why are turkeys so big? Did you once get in a fight in a Hobby Lobby with a little old lady over wrapping paper? (No, I've never done this...) Using your list of weird things, try to see how many you can fit into a poem or short story. Cram them all in there and then take a nap. 

Bonus Round:

Extra points for stories and poems that bend reality, include ghosts or other supernatural events, or make use of magical realism. 

Editing tip of the month (NaNoWriMo Style): Head over to the NaNoWriMo forums and find some new friends to write who are interested in reading your work when you've won! If you're not doing NaNo this month, seek out a new critique partner. Try to give them specific things you're looking for, and don't be afraid to say "I don't need help with x right now." 

Inspiration from the Ether

☢ Weird Inspiration from the Real World Artist carves art from human skulls ☢

News From Your Corporeal Host

  • My poem, "Hart Island" was published in Eye to the Telescope (Issue 22: October 2016, Theme: Ghosts). Read it here.

  • My poem "Cetecean Prosthesis" was published in Star*Line (Issue 39.4: Fall 2016). 

  • My flash fiction "We Never Are What We Intend" was published in Freeze Frame Fiction (Q9/10 2016). Read it here.

  • My flash fiction "When I Wore Pink Boots" is available for pre-order in Approaching Footsteps from Spider Road Press.

  • I'll be selling zines at Zine Fest in Houston November 19th.

  • Writefest 2017 instructors are now live! Sign up here

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