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- Weird Circular #23 August
Weird Circular #23 August
The August Weird Circular
This month's Weird Circular is live with submission ideas, prompts, and more!
Welcome to the Weird Circular
Dear Fellow Writers of the Weird:
Did you know, writing is hard? I'm in a state of self-promotion overload because my book is coming out this month. And this is an important part of writing, the putting your name out there, telling people about your work, marketing and emailing portion of a writing career. But it's hard, perhaps harder than just sitting down to write at times.
I say this a lot, writing is hard. Because I want you to know that persistence is more important than writing the most beautiful, perfect, shining draft. The longer you work at something, the better you get at it. So this month, I want you to give yourself permission to do the hard work that you need right now. Don't give up. Keep going. Keep writing. Look inside yourself for the inspiration you need.
I did a writing retreat in July and went to Readercon, which was a lot of fun. But it also taught me that sometimes I don't put enough time into writing. It's hard to sit and be still and meditate on my thoughts. But it's also important and gives me life.
- Holly
Submission Calls
Upcoming Submission Windows:
Story Seed Vault, August 10-24: Theme: Microfiction inspired by science. 150-200 characters. Token Payment.
Zsenon Publications, deadline August 15: Theme: A Punk Rock Future. Flash (~500 words) Fiction (Up to 6k words). Pays .06/word.
Apparition Lit Flash Fiction Contest, August 1-5: Theme: Parasites. Flash Fiction (under 1k words) Pay .01/word
Luna Station Quarterly, Deadline August 15. Theme: Crones. Fiction 500-7000 words in length from female-identifying voices.
Split Lip Magazine, Deadline August 30. Open for free submissions. Pays $20-50. Short Fiction (up to 5k words), Flash Fiction (under 1k words), Memoir (up to 2k words), Poetry (1 poem).
Futures: Science Fiction Chapbook Series, Deadline Sept 1. Theme: The Future. Short stories (5k-10k words).
SubTerrain, Deadline Sept. 3. Fiction (up to 3k words), CNF (up to 4k words).
Need more submission ideas? Check the
newest markets,
, Duotrope's
, or Literary Mama's
Prompt #1: (Borrowed from Brandon Melendez) Write a poem with lines that all start with "I hate myself for..." Then go back through and replace the word "hate" with "forgive."
Check out some lovely examples on
Prompt #2: Write a piece about building something beautiful.
Bonus Round: Tear that beautiful thing down. See the beauty in destruction.
Prompt #3: This prompt is from Ursula K. Le Guin, based on her story "Half Past Four." This is a short story prompt. Write a story with 4 characters: Their names are James, Marta, Daniel, and Nova. There are no other requirements to the story except that it have those 4 names.
Bonus Round: Write a new story with the same 4 names and completely different scenarios. For inspiration, read Le Guin's story in her book
and see how she does this. It's quite extraordinary!
Editing tip of the month: Go through your work and highlight anything that is purely expository i.e. providing information. Do you have a lot of straightforward info-dumps or do you perhaps need more? What is pertinent to the point?
Inspiration from the Ether
♛ Weird Story of the Month: By Hand, By Claw, By Silent Speechby Elsa Sjunneson-Henry and A. Merc Rustad ♛
➳ Craft Article of the Month: Rituals of Escape ➳
☢ Weird Inspiration from the Real World: What if the Earth Turned Into a Giant Pile of Blueberries? ☢
News From Your Corporeal Host
I'm giving away 10 signed copies of Glimmerglass Girl on Goodreads!
Glimmerglass Girl got a mention on Publisher's Weekly for new poetry books
My review for Melissa Jenning's book Dear Judas is live at Up the Staircase journal
I have three new poems up at Nice Cage in their Climate Change issue: "Boll Heart," "And Farther Death Goes," and "A Deep Enough Abyss"
I was interviewed at South Florida Poetry Journal in their August "Interview with a poet" series.
I was interviewed in Free Thinking Ahead's Speculative Poets in Conversation Series
I have two poems up at Isacoustic: "When Darkness Leaves" and "Diary Outside of April"
Guest post at Trish Hopkinson's blog: 6 Resources for Submitting Your Work
Glimmerglass Girl was reviewed at Rag Queen Periodical
My poem "Orbital Debris" is live at Really System
My poem "Lace at the Throat" will appear in the 2018 Dwarf Stars Award Anthology from SFPA