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- Weird Circular #24 September (copy 01)
Weird Circular #24 September (copy 01)
The October Weird Circular
This month's Weird Circular is live with submission ideas, prompts, and more!

Welcome to the Weird Circular
Dear Fellow Zombie Writers:
We've gathered you here for a conference on the strange, paranormal, and haunted words you haven't yet published.
The Committee for Destroyed Manuscripts and Haunted Desk Drawers would like to remind you that your work lies festering, in a folder (Yikes!), at the bottom of a drawer (Film adaptation to be directed by Sam Raimi), in Dropbox (Grown sentient, they send their regards), or shoved in a lower shelf with those college books you keep meaning to sell to Half Price Books (Where it has formed its own committee against Writers Who Self-Reject). We'd love to say that your manuscript has improved all on its own, but we regret to inform you that it has grown legs and a disturbing resemblance to the Crypt Keeper.
Won't you consider putting it back on your desk or kitchen table or coffee shop couch? The reanimation of manuscripts is easily managed by the incantation of calendar scheduling and commitment to witchcraft classes. We can suggest a few in the area if you feel so inclined.
With undying affection,
Your devoted servant the Mistress of Words & Enchantress of Buried Works,
P.S. If you're from Houston, come see me at my
Submission Calls

Upcoming Submission Windows:
Constellary Tales, opens 10/1: SFF 1,00-3500 words. Pays .06/word.
Porkbelly Press, deadline 10/10: Theme: Love Me, Love My Belly. Essay, CNF, (Up to 5k words) Poetry (Up to 5 poems). Multiple themes upcoming, check website for more info.
The Halcyone, The Sixty Four Best Poets of 2018, deadline 10/15: Poetry (up to 3 poems). hese 64 poets will be featured in a book titled The Sixty Four: 2018, published by the Black Mountain Press in November 2018. FEE ($8).
Escape Pod, Holiday Special, deadline 10/15: Short Fiction (1500-6000 words), pays .06/word.
Bracken Magazine, deadline 10/15: Fiction (2500 words or less), Poetry (Up to 4 poems, 100 lines or less each) pays .04/word or $15 for poems.
Split Lip Magazine, deadline 10/31: Memoir (Up to 2k words), Fiction (Up to 5k words), Poetry (1 Poem).
Tupelo Press Sunken Garden Chapbook Contest, deadline 10/31. Poetry Manuscripts 20-36 pages. FEE ($25).
Need more submission ideas? Check the
newest markets,
, Duotrope's
, or Literary Mama's

Prompt #1: Pick a
and write about it.

Prompt #2: Rewrite a fairy tale that you've never heard of before. Pick from
Bonus Round: Try to change the expectations and focus in particular on the ending. Make sure it doesn't match the original ending.

Prompt #3: Write a piece using one of the following phrases, or maybe two:
bats strung on a necklace a black cat sings a spell
the moon is like a slice of skin pumpkin heads on parade
spoiled candy the rotten fruit of the harvest
graves from above we jumped over the bonfires
Hair of gold, heart of gold the house on the corner
Bonus Round: Rewrite your piece with a careful eye to plot. If your piece is linear, with events happening in a straight line, rearrange it so that the beginning is at the end, or something in the middle begins first.
Editing tip of the month: Let's go back to basics. Spend some time reading your work and find your grammar tics (things you often confuse or mistake). Then make a list of them so you remember to check them every time you edit.
Inspiration from the Ether
♛ Weird Story of the Month: A Very Large Number of Moons by Kai Stewart ♛
➳ Craft Article of the Month: Is it real? 25 Famous Writers on Writers Block ➳
News From Your Corporeal Host
I shared my bookshelf #Shelfie with The Coil Magazine.
I have a new poem up at Liminality, "Dead-Eye Girl."
Read an excerpt of Glimmerglass Girl at The Coil Magazine.
I wrote a short essay about Sweet Pickles at Cotton Xenomorph. Yes, pickles.
I was interviewed by Andrea Blythe for her Poet Spotlight.
Hardcover versions of Glimmerglass Girl are available on Amazon!
Join me October 19 at 7pm at Writespace for a women's voices open mic. I'll be reading from Glimmerglass Girl. Thanks to Writespace and our gracious co-host, Spider Road Press!