Weird Circular #38 November

The November Weird Circular

This month's Weird Circular is live with submission ideas, prompts, and more!

Welcome to the Weird Circular

Dear Fellow Weird Writers,

This month's Weird Circular is #NaNoWriMo themed! This year, I'm

by doing a month of revision in November. For me, writing every day in November is just about creating a daily practice of writing and getting back in the vibe. And, it's about community! Add me as a buddy, my name is HWALLY. I wish you a win no matter what your writing goals are this month. 

Your corporeal host,


Submission Calls

Upcoming Submission Windows: 

  • Pseudopod, deadline 11/3: Horror flash fiction (Up to 1500 words), short fiction (1.5k-6k words)

  • Barrelhouse, deadline 11/8: Theme: I've Got Love on My Mind: Black Women on Love: Poetry (up to 5 poems), short fiction (500-3k words) 

  • Podcastle, deadline 11/15: Fantasy fiction (up to 6k words)

  • Eternal Haunted Summer, deadline 11/30: Theme: The Americas: Poetry, short stories, essays. Query over 5k words.

Need more submission ideas? Check the

newest markets,

, Duotrope's


, or Literary Mama's



Prompt #1:

What is the absolute worst thing that could happen to your character right now? DO IT. 

Bonus Round:

Bonus points if you insert this thing at the perfect midpoint of your NaNoWriMo progress, at 25,000 words. 

Prompt #2:

 If someone was going to write fanfiction about your book, what would they write? Which characters would they swoon over? Which ones would they love to hate? 

Bonus Round:

 Bonus points if you can make up a structure (think Harry Potter's houses) that lets your reader into the story as a fan. 

Prompt #3:

 Make the setting a character. How, you ask? Write a scene where the setting stops the main character in some way.

Bonus Round:

 Bonus points if you can describe the setting in some way in every chapter, without too much info dumping.

Editing tip of the month: Sometimes the secret to revision is to move important info to the first page. Think about the thing you've been trying to surprise the reader with. What if it happened in the first chapter, or first line instead? (This is also the reverse poetry trick: Take your poem, cut it up, and start with the last line.) 

Inspiration from the Ether

♛ Weird Story of the Month: Follow You by Amy H. Robinson

♫ This month's writing music is from Spheria

News From Your Corporeal Host

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